Saturday, February 11, 2012

Webinar - Expanding Your Career Potential

What's the best way to help the members of your Chapter, Caucus or Division, acquire new, vital skills for job security and career advancement in these troubling economic times? Tell them to join their colleagues for the New York SLA Chapter's upcoming webinar on "Expanding Your Career Potential", featuring SLA President Elect, Deb Hunt, on Wednesday, February 15th.

In this first session we will identify and discuss those skill sets that are in the greatest demand in the library/information world. The presenters will also examine alternative jobs and potential career paths for librarians and information professionals contemplating a career change or transitioning into a non-traditional role. Webinar attendees will develop their own customized action plans to identify, augment, and acquire those new skills that will provide their tickets to expanded career growth, increased compensation, and greater career satisfaction.

For more information or to register, please visit .

Contact Laura Forshay with any questions.