Wednesday, July 11, 2012
CFP - Association of Canadian Archivists
Association of Canadian Archivists 2013 Annual Conference:
Community as Archives, Archives as Community
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
13 - 15 June 2013
Communities are the framework of our identities, our history and our lives.
Online and offline, connected by geography, ethnicity, language, sexuality,
interests, professions, friendship and kin, our lives are a lattice of
Join us in Winnipeg, city of communities and meeting places, for an
exploration of how archival consciousness arises in communities and how
community consciousness has arisen among archivists. We invite proposals
related to all areas of archival theory or practice and pertaining to any
and all media. These contributions can come from anyone involved with
archives: from archival staff and volunteers, from those who share an
interest in archives, whether as a community organizer, researcher, creator,
a professional or an academic, and from anyone who considers themselves to
be a knowledge worker.
Topics might include:
* Archives as Community: What issues are important to the Canadian archival
community right now? How can we act together to achieve our goals?
* Community Archives: What is a community archive? What is participatory
archiving? How do we build collections and staff that are broadly
representative of Canadian society?
* Archives and Indigenous Communities: How can archival practice engage with
Indigenous knowledge traditions? How can archives build healthy
relationships with Canadian Indigenous communities?
* Alternative Archives: Do certain communities treat archives in a
particular way? How is the concept of ³archives² reinterpreted (as a space,
or as an idea)?
* Virtual Communities, Virtual Archives: What are the challenges and
opportunities of social media as collaborative tools? How do we create
archives for digital natives? How can archives participate in open source
and standards communities?
The 2013 Conference Program Committee invites contributions in a variety of
traditional and nontraditional formats including:
1. Traditional session: formal presentation of papers; approximately 20
minutes per speaker, with questions to follow as time allows.
2. Panel discussion: abbreviated presentation of papers; approximately 10-15
minutes per speaker, with discussion to follow.
3. Roundtable: brief 5-7 minute presentations with open discussion
4. Focused Debate on a specific topic: brief presentations with open
discussion & debate to follow. Can adhere to formal debating rules or not.
5. Pecha Kucha Session: 8-12 presenters have 20 slides, each shown for 20
seconds on a timer. Thus, each presenter has just 6 minutes and 40 seconds
to explain their ideas.
Use the ³Call for Submission² button on the ACA website at Submitting your session proposal in electronic
form using this link is strongly encouraged.
The deadline for these proposals is: Friday, September 29th, 2012
Note: Please be advised there will be a Call for Student Papers as well as a
Call for Posters later this year, with submission deadlines early in 2013.
For 2013, ACA will use the ³Call for Submission² button for any workshop
proposals that will be associated with the Annual Conference; these
submissions will go to the Professional Learning Committee, which will make
its decisions in mid October 2012.
Workshop is defined as a full 1-day or 2-day event, generally combining
presentations, group discussions and hands-on activities for a group of
about 25 30 participants. Workshops can cover any topic/subject, and may
not be related directly to the conference theme.
Please feel free to direct questions to:
Johanna Smith
Chair, ACA 2013 Conference Program
c/o Library and Archives Canada
550 blvd de la Cité
Gatineau, QC K1A 0N4
Telephone: 613-897-4742
Fax: 819-934-6800