Thursday, December 5, 2013


CALL FOR PROPOSALS: ACA INSTITUTE 2014 The Association of Canadian Archivists is seeking proposals for a 2-3 day educational institute to be held in Canada in 2014. The biannual ACA Institute began in the late 1990s and features topics and curricula that offer intense learning experiences to archivists at an advanced level. Past ACA Institutes were on topics such as digital preservation management, personal archives, understanding users, and archival appraisal theory and practice. For a list of previous Institute topics and locations, please see: Financial compensation for instructors is based on the following: * Honoraria: $200 per day, per instructor * Expenses for instructors: Annual negotiation and ACA Board approval of expenses is required, based on ACA support for reasonable travel to the venue, accommodation and meal per diem (at current ACA rates). Proposals for the 2014 Institute should be submitted by January 15th, 2014, using this online form. Please click this link to send any questions to the Professional Learning Committee, or follow the link at: Regards, Jill Teasley, on behalf of the ACA Professional Learning Committee