Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Daguerreian Society Call for Papers
Please help us circulate the Daguerreian Society Call for Papers. Through generous donations we are offering awards of $1,000 and $500 for the best papers submitted for publication in the Daguerreian Society Annual.
The Daguerreian Society (Daguerre.org) is offering a call for original papers that address and advance the understanding and appreciation of the photographic history of the Daguerreian era (ca 1830 – 1870) in relation to the art, history, collection and practice of the daguerreotype, as well as the history and social impact of other photographic processes of this period. Authors are responsible for rights and releases of images used as illustrations, and grant permission for publication and for future electronic access. Papers of up to 30 pages (~8,000 words) are requested for peer review by renowned Daguerreian expert Keith Davis, Senior Curator of Photography at the Nelson Atkins Museum and the publication committee. The winners will be published in the Daguerreian Society Annual.
Submission of a 300-word abstract by March 1, 2014
Review and notification by April 1, 2014
Submission of completed manuscript with illustrations by June 1, 2014
Review Process and notification of selection by July 15, 2014
The Society will recognize the best submission as selected by the review committee with a $1,000 award, and the best graduate student or new author submission with a $500 award. Each will receive complimentary registration to the 2014 Daguerreian Society Symposium in Austin Texas.
Send electronic submission to: Diane Filippi diane_dagsoc@comcast.net
Please include in the subject line: Submission for 2014 Daguerreian Society Call for Papers