Handheld Librarian: Encouraging Innovation, the top online tech
conference for librarians, will feature inspiration and how tos. Be
pushed and informed with a motivation provoking keynote, panels sharing
experiences and insights on implementing technologies to meet the needs
of tech savvy users, and an in-depth workshop. Drink up the inspiration
and information on June 19, 2013
Keynote - “Faking the Internet,” by Michael Edson (Smithsonian Institution’s Director of Web and New Media Strategy).
Why don't libraries get better the more they are used? Not just a
little better—exponentially better, like the Internet. They could, and,
in a society facing colossal challenges, they must, but we won't get
there without confronting a few taboos about what a library is, who it's
for, and who's in charge.
Panels on:
Responsive Web Design: Jason Clark (Montana
State) Doug Furiato (CCLA/TBLC), and Matthew Reidsma (Web Services
Librarian, Grand Valley State University Libraries)
Mobile Reference:
Ann Owens (Sacramento Public Library), Laura Kohl, (Bryant
University), Heather Westhaver (Burlington (Ontario) Public Library)
Creating and Using Video for Instruction. Toby Greenwalt
(Skokie Public Library), Meagan Kinsley (American University) Anali
Perry and Matt Harp (Arizona State University)
Day 2 includes an
essential workshop on MakerSpaces will be led by Tod Colegrove
(University of Nevada, Reno). Lots of libraries are thinking about
HackerSpaces, MakerSpaces, etc. This workshop will help you decide what
kind of space will work in your library and how to get started on
implementing this new service for your users.11 am. to 2:00 pm. CDT June
REGISTER NOW for the June 19th conference and June 20th workshops at: http://handheldlibrarian.org
is a not to be missed conference! Can’t be there for the whole day?
You will have access to the Archive to view after the conference.
Individuals can Register for Conference Only (June 19, 2013) - US
$65.00 , Register for Conference and Workshops (add $45.00 ). Reduced
pricing is available on the website for groups.