Monday, November 11, 2013

FREE webinar - The Fiscal Situation in Washington - And How it Gives Librarians a HUGE Advantage

The Fiscal Situation in Washington - And How it Gives Librarians a HUGE Advantage Reserve your Webinar seat now at: According to a recent poll, Congress is less popular than cockroaches these days, which has many on the Federal advocacy front lines discouraged. But don't despair! As the debate moves to the state and local level, the library community has a huge advantage. This webinar will show you how to use that advantage to avoid setbacks and perhaps even make great strides forward. We'll look at the current fiscal and political situation in Washington and why that increases our influence at the local level. We'll also provide insights into advocacy resources we're developing in response to a recent ALA Washington office survey. Through this survey we asked the question "how we can we help you be more effective advocates?" - and over 1,000 of you answered! As part of the webinar we'll answer some of the top questions that came out of the research, including: . What are the legal limits to lobbying? . Where can I find resources for getting my friends / trustees / parents / teachers / students engaged? . How can I best advocate with local decision-makers? . How can I get the support of my administration / school board? . How do I get others (and/or myself) motivated to act? We'll also gather your feedback on whether we're on the right track with the new materials we're developing as well as what we need to add more value to your ALA membership. Wondering what's happening (or not) in Washington, D.C.? Concerned about how the federal fiscal situation might impact on the ground services? Want to know what you can do to make a difference? Join us to learn the answers to those questions - and more. Title: The Fiscal Situation in Washington - And How it Gives Librarians a HUGE Advantage Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. System Requirements PC-based attendees Required: Windows® 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server Mac®-based attendees Required: Mac OS® X 10.6 or newer Mobile attendees Required: iPhone®, iPad®, AndroidT phone or Android tablet Ted Wegner Grassroots Coordinator American Library Association Washington Office-Office of Government Relations 1615 New Hampshire Avenue N.W., 1st Floor Washington, DC 20009-2520 Phone: 202-628-8410 Fax: 202-628-8419