Wednesday, October 31, 2012

CFP - Archives Association of BC and the Northwest Archivists

*Call for Papers* Attention Archives Community! The Archival community in BC and Canada is at turning point with the recent elimination of the National Archival Development Program. Archival spaces exist in many different environments in North America including museums, libraries, corporations and with private individuals. Join the Archives Association of BC and the Northwest Archivists in Vancouver, BC at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, University of British Columbia, on May 3rd and 4th, 2013, to explore the question: *How can archivists connect, innovate, and learn in an era marked by shifting technology and uncertain funding?*** * * We invite proposals: Proposals can come from anyone involved with Archives: from archival staff and volunteers, from those who share an interest in archives, whether as a community organizer, researcher, creator, a professional or an academic, and from anyone who considers themselves to be an information worker. Topics might include any of the following areas: - Fundraising /Fundraising databases including demos, training and shows of various fundraising databases. - Marketing/Sponsorship - Advocacy - Partnership building - Strategic planning - Electronic records management for Archives - Volunteer management - Grant writing - Innovation - Community building - Outreach/Service - Access - Education - Mentoring SUBMITTING PROPOSALS: The 2013 Conference Program Committee invites contributions in a variety of traditional and non-traditional formats including: 1. Traditional session: formal presentation of papers; approximately 20 minutes per speaker, with questions to follow as time allows. 2. Panel discussion: abbreviated presentation of papers; approximately 10-15 minutes per speaker, with discussion to follow. 3. Roundtable: brief 5-7 minute presentations with open discussion 4. Focused Debate on a specific topic: brief presentations with open discussion & debate to follow. Can adhere to formal debating rules or not. 5. Pecha Kucha Session: 8-12 presenters have 20 slides, each shown for 20 seconds on a timer. Thus, each presenter has just 6 minutes and 40 seconds to explain their ideas. Kindly sent your proposals by *December 14, 2012* to: Patrick Ansah E-mail: Trevor James Bond E-mail: