Thursday, December 12, 2013
FREE webinars - UW-Madison
Join UW-Madison faculty for FREE webinars
All webinars are from Noon to 1 p.m. CST
Go here to register.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Library and Information Studies
Continuing Education Services
2014 Webinars
Thursday, February 13: Copyright, Libraries, and the Higher Ed Classroom
Dorothea Salo, MA-LIS and MA-Spanish
Get updated on the latest lawsuits, campaigns, and other copyright happenings in the higher-education classroom. We'll touch on electronic-reserves legal action, streaming video legal action, the ARL Code of Best Practices in Fair Use, MOOCs, Google Books and Hathi Trust lawsuits, open access, open textbooks, and open educational resources.
Tuesday, March 18: Linked Data's Many Varieties
Debra Shapiro, MA-LIS
For the last two years, we've been hearing a lot of talk about converting library metadata to linked data. But how? Library of Congress is working on BIBFRAME, a linked data format that is designed to carry all the data in the many millions of existing MARC records. OCLC is using, a microdata format, to enhance the Web displays of WorldCat records. Dublin Core can be written in RDF; is that linked data? In this webinar, Debra Shapiro, UW-Madison SLIS instructor, will help you untangle the acronyms, and pick your favorite flavor of linked data.
Wednesday, April 9: Get up and move! Why movement is part of early literacy skills development
Dr. Allison Kaplan
Pitter, patter like a cat;
Stomp like an elephant with feet flat!
Now turn around and just like that;
Sit down quietly with hands in your lap!
The ALSC early literacy initiative, "Every Child Ready to Read," presents five practices: Talking, Singing, Reading, Writing, and Playing, as strategies for helping parents understand how to develop early literacy skills in their children. We tend to feel pretty comfortable with incorporating Talking, Singing, Reading, and Writing into storytime programming; but, what about Playing? In this webinar, participants will learn about the important role moving, playing instruments, and pretending have in helping children ages 0-4 develop early literacy skills and how to incorporate those into storytime programming. Submit ideas by Friday, April 4th to share with other participants!
Thursday, May 15: An Introduction to the Digital Humanities for Librarians
Dr. Jonathan Senchyne
In recent years, the term "digital humanities" has been used to describe modes of research, collaboration, and teaching that apply or analyze computational, digital, and networked tools in humanities contexts. The collaborative, project-focused, and technologically-oriented nature of the field means that information professionals often work alongside scholar-researchers and students. Academic, special, and public libraries and librarians have played important roles in the development of "dh." This webinar will provide an introduction to the digital humanities using examples of recent projects, and focus on how librarians can contribute to or support the digital humanities through, for example, maker spaces, digital labs and learning environments, or as managers of data and providers of digital resources. A good resource for the curious to consult ahead of the webinar is dh+lib, available here.
Go here to register.
UW-Madison SLIS also offers online continuing education courses and on-campus and on-line Master's degree programs.
FREE conference - Northeast Metadata Specialists Unconference
Northeast Metadata Specialists Unconference
Do you work with metadata? Are you a digital initiatives librarian training volunteers for metadata creation? Are you a metadata librarian developing transformations and mappings? Are you programmer who suddenly has to learn MODS? There are a number of metadata specialists of all varieties in New England area. The Northeast Metadata Specialists Unconference, NEMS U (, was created to allow these specialists to come together to work on metadata, discuss projects, help with building their skill sets and network.
NEMS Unconference is an informal, open and inexpensive meeting where all skill levels come together to work and discuss metadata issues. NEMS U is collaborative, spontaneous and timely, productive, interprofessional and interdisciplinary. Attendees are expected to participate and above all have fun.
Date: February 7, 2013
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Where: UMass Amherst, W.E.B. Du Bois Library, Room 2601
154 Hicks Way, Amherst, MA 01003
Parking: Campus Center Parking Garage
Registration: Free but Remember to bring lunch money and some extra to park in the garage!
Space: Registration is limited to 45 people
Audience: Anyone who works with metadata
Attendees need to bring a laptop. If you plan to attend the introduction to xslt in the afternoon, it is recommended to have access to the command line. For both afternoon groups, it is also recommended to have either a text editor or an xml editor. For text editors, if you use a PC, you can always use Notepad. For Mac and PC users, there is also Text Wrangler (, which is a great general purpose text editor. Oxygen xml editor is an xml editor that offers free 30 day trials (
See our web page for the latest details:
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Paid Summer 2014 Internship for Graduate Student - The Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives
Paid Summer 2014 Internship for Graduate Student - The Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives
The intern's responsibilities will include archival processing of Museum records, reference assistance, and historical research. The ideal candidate will be enrolled in a graduate program in library/information science or archives management. In addition to developing practical work skills through this departmental placement, the intern will participate in MuSe (Museum Seminars) and interact directly with the Museum's diverse audience by conducting a gallery talk based on their area of expertise.
The internship commences with MuSe (Museum Seminars), a series of curator talks in the galleries and presentations by executive staff that introduce interns to the curatorial, educational, and operational structure of the Museum. The seminars also include hands-on workshops and practice sessions to prepare interns to lead gallery talks and tours. Graduate interns attend mandatory full-day MuSe sessions for the first week of the program, and then each Monday throughout the rest of the summer.
This internship is open to individuals who are currently enrolled in a master's program or who have graduated from a master's program within one year of the application deadline. PhD candidates are not eligible to apply, but may be eligible for one of several Museum Fellowships.
Dates and Compensation
June 2-August 8, 2014
Full time: five days, thirty-five hours per week
Compensation: approximately $4,000 ($11.42/hour, less applicable taxes and deductions)
Application deadline: January 9, 2014, at 4:00 p.m.
For further information and to complete an online application visit
For further information regarding The Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives visit
Thursday, December 5, 2013
9th Annual Woody Guthrie Fellowship
The Woody Guthrie Center in conjunction with BMI Foundation, Inc. are pleased to announce that the application period for the 2014 Fellowship Program is now open.
The 9th Annual Woody Guthrie Fellowship will be awarded to one applicant working on a research topic or theme directly related to Guthrie's life, work, or contribution to American music and world culture. The BMI Foundation, Inc. will award up to $5,000 to support scholarly research at the archives at the Woody Guthrie Center in Tulsa, OK.
Scholars pursuing research related to Woody Guthrie's life, historic context, creative works, and musical influence, as well as his philosophical, political, or humanistic ideals, are encouraged to apply for this prestigious Fellowship.
The George Kaiser Family Foundation has recently acquired the Woody Guthrie Archives research collection, and in 2013 these materials were relocated to a permanent repository in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Please Note: The Woody Guthrie Fellowship supports research solely for the purpose of scholarly and/or educational publication.
More information about the Fellowship is available through the Woody Guthrie Fellowship Program website.
Application Deadline: February 7, 2014
Please direct questions to
CFP - Personal Digital Archiving 2014
Personal Digital Archiving 2014
"Building Stronger Personal Digital Archiving Communities"
10-11 April 2014
Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, Indiana
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Extended to December 16, 2013
Personal Digital Archiving 2014 explores the intersections between individuals, public institutions, and private companies engaged in the creation, preservation and ongoing use of the digital records of our daily lives. The conference reflects upon the current status of personal archiving, its achievements, challenges, issues, and needs as evidenced through research, education, case studies, practitioner experiences, best practices, the development of tools and services, storage options, curation, and economic sustainability. There is also interest in the role of libraries, archives and other cultural heritage organizations in supporting personal digital archiving through outreach or in conjunction with developing community history collections.
The PDA 2014 Program Committee invites proposals on a full range of topics relevant to personal digital archiving from everyone who seeks to ensure long-term access and preservation for personal collections and archives. Case studies that illustrate effective ways to help users and institutions manage personal digital archives are especially encouraged. Presentations might also address materials and format challenges including family archives of photographs and home movies, personal health and financial data, scrapbooking, social network posts, genealogy, blogs, email and other correspondence. Presentations might explore how personal digital archives are being used in the research conducted within various scholarly disciplines and how such use impacts research methodologies. Themes that unite digital archives, including interface design for archives; institutional practices; community outreach; tools; and funding models are welcomed. Additionally the program committee encourages proposals exploring the following questions:
* What social contexts shape what people decide to preserve and make accessible about their lives over time?
* How do we preserve the ability to access digital content over time when every app/community/network has a lifecycle that involves the end of its existence?
* Is there too much fragmentation and reinvention of the wheel in the PDA field? Are there collaborative models to consider to encourage greater efficiency?
* How should libraries, museums and archives collect personal digital materials? How do we better share our knowledge and communicate about our work (including the failures as well as the successes)?
* How are archivists, curators, genealogists using born-digital and/or digitized material in their research?
* What are some practical strategies for helping libraries, museums and archives conduct personal archiving outreach to their communities?
* How can individuals be encouraged to undertake personal digital archiving activities?
* What are effective strategies and best practices for personal digital archiving in social media and ecommerce settings?
* What is the best way to integrate scanning of analog materials into personal digital archiving while recognizing that digitization isn't digital preservation?
* What tools and services now exist to help with personal archiving? What do we need to make the process easier or more effective?
* What storage options are currently available; how do they compare with one another; and what can we expect to see in the near future? How do we address scalability issues?
* What are viable existing economic models that can support personal archives? What new economic models should we evaluate?
* What are the key issues associated with digital estate planning and "the digital afterlife"?
* How can users work with social media companies for better APIs and/or download services to get usefully formatted export of personal data?
* How do Terms of Service vary for social media networks and cloud-based services, particularly in connection with ownership, copyright, privacy and liability?
The conference program will include three types of presentations: 20-minute papers, 5-minute lightning talks, and posters (including demos).
To submit a proposal please visit the PDA 2014 website located at:
Submissions should include the title of your project, paper or presentation and
* For 20-minute paper presentations, a 300-word abstract
* For lightning talks and posters, a 150-300 word abstract
* A brief biographical sketch or CV (no more than 2 pages)
Indiana State University
Indiana State Library
Library of Congress
The Coalition for Networked Information
The Association of Canadian Archivists is seeking proposals for a 2-3 day educational institute to be held in Canada in 2014.
The biannual ACA Institute began in the late 1990s and features topics and curricula that offer intense learning experiences to archivists at an advanced level.
Past ACA Institutes were on topics such as digital preservation management, personal archives, understanding users, and archival appraisal theory and practice. For a list of previous Institute topics and locations, please see:
Financial compensation for instructors is based on the following:
* Honoraria: $200 per day, per instructor
* Expenses for instructors: Annual negotiation and ACA Board approval of expenses is required, based on ACA support for reasonable travel to the venue, accommodation and meal per diem (at current ACA rates).
Proposals for the 2014 Institute should be submitted by January 15th, 2014, using this online form.
Please click this link to send any questions to the Professional Learning Committee, or follow the link at:
Jill Teasley, on behalf of the ACA Professional Learning Committee
Friday, November 22, 2013
NASIG 2014 grants, awards, and scholarships
The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) is pleased to announce the beginning of the application cycle for its 2014 grants, awards, and scholarships to be awarded at the 2014 Annual Conference being held in Fort Worth, Texas, May 1-4, 2014. Established in 1985, NASIG is an international organization committed to promoting communication and sharing of ideas among all people working with or concerned about serial publications. More information about NASIG is available at
Student Awards
John Riddick Student Grant
Grants for qualifying students to attend the NASIG annual
conference, covering cost of registration, three nights
lodging, and travel within North America.
For more details, please visit the following page:
Fritz Schwartz Education Scholarship
A $3,000 scholarship and conference travel grant for a
graduate student demonstrating excellence in scholarship and
the potential for accomplishments in a serials career.
For more details, please visit the following page:
Professional/Para-professional Awards
Serials Specialist Award
Awards for promising paraprofessionals, covering cost of
conference registration, three nights lodging, and travel
within North America.
For more details, please visit the following page:
Marcia Tuttle International Award
A $3,000 grant for an individual working in the serials
information chain to fund appropriate activities in
fostering international communication and education.
For more details, please visit the following page:
Horizon Award
Awards for promising new serials professionals, covering
cost of conference registration, three nights lodging, and
travel within North America. Recipients will also be
invited to serve on a NASIG committee.
For more details, please visit the following page:
Rose Robischon Scholarship
A scholarship awarded to a serials professional lacking
funds for travel. The scholarship covers the cost of
conference registration, three nights lodging, and travel
within North America.
For more details, please visit the following page:
The application deadline for the awards listed above is January 27, 2014.
For details about the awards offered by NASIG,
please visit
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Proposal Submission Deadline: February 28, 2014
Supporting Digital Humanities for Knowledge Acquisition in Modern
A book edited by
Kathleen Sacco (State University of New
York (SUNY) at Fredonia, USA);
Scott Richmond (State University of New
York (SUNY) at Fredonia, USA);
Sara Parme (State University of New
York (SUNY) at Fredonia, USA);
Kerrie Fergen Wilkes (State University of New
York (SUNY) at Fredonia, USA)
To be published by IGI Global:
For release in the Advances in Library and Information Science (ALIS) Book Series.
The Advances in Library and Information Science (ALIS) Book Series aims to expand the body of library science literature by covering a wide range of topics affecting the profession and field at large. The series also seeks to provide readers with an essential resource for uncovering the latest research in library and information science management, development, and technologies.
The Digital Humanities is an area of research, teaching, and creation concerned with the intersection of computing and the disciplines of the humanities. Digital humanities embrace a variety of topics, from curating online collections to data mining large cultural data sets. Digital humanities (also known as DH) currently incorporates both digitized and born-digital materials and combine the methodologies from traditional humanities disciplines and social sciences with tools provided by computing (such as data visualization, information retrieval, data mining, statistics, text mining) and digital publishing.
Objective of the Book
Research in the digital humanities relies on knowledge of data management and on collaboration across a range of disciplines. Libraries and Library Professionals are situated to be both supporters and participants in digital humanities research.
This publication will bring together current research in the discipline of digital humanities, focusing on the role of libraries and library staff in the research, creation, and dissemination of the information.
Target Audience
The book will be an asset to librarians navigating the beginnings of a digital humanities project as well as a guide for researchers in the DH process exploring potential partnerships with libraries.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Overview of DH and current scholarship
Role of librarians in DH
Role of libraries and research centers in the DH process
Digital methods and modes of knowledge acquisition
Research methodology
Current pedagogy
Role of libraries in supporting the DH instructor
Future directions in the discipline
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before February 28, 2014, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by March 15, 2014 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by April 30, 2014. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This publication is anticipated to be release in 2015.
Important Dates
February 28, 2014: Proposal Submission Deadline
March 15, 2014: Notification of Acceptance
April 30, 2014: Full Chapter Submission
June 30, 2014: Review Results Returned
August 30, 2014: Final Chapter Submission
October 15, 2014: Final Deadline
Inquiries and submissions can be sent to:
Sara Parme, M.L.I.S.
Daniel A. Reed Library
SUNY Fredonia
280 Central Ave.
Fredonia, NY 14063
FREE webinar - EAD
The recent Code4Lib Journal article "Thresholds for Discovery" reported results from an OCLC Research analysis of 120,000 Encoded Archival Description (EAD) encoded finding aids; the article also highlighted issues with current encoding practices that would inhibit access and discovery. In 2012, Princeton University's Archival Description Working Group undertook an ambitious project to upgrade their finding aids delivery system, addressing many of the issues identified in the "Thresholds" article. Join us for a joint presentation of the OCLC Research and Princeton work, and discussion on steps that institutions can take both individually and collaboratively to improve their own thresholds for discovery.
Presenters include:
Merrilee Proffitt, Senior Program Officer, OCLC Research
Bruce Washburn, Consulting Software Engineer, OCLC Research
Dan Santamaria, Assistant University Archivist for Technical Services, Princeton University
This webinar is free and open to all but advanced registration is required.
Register here* to attend this webinar on 5 December at 10:00 a.m. PST / 1:00 p.m. EST (UTC 18:00).
A recording of this webinar will be posted on our website, on YouTube and in iTunes later in December.
Merrilee Proffitt, Senior Program Officer
OCLC Research
777 Mariners Island Blvd Suite 550
San Mateo, CA 94404 USA
Merrilee blogs at
Follow me on Twitter @merrileeiam
Lemelson Center Travel to Collections Awards
Lemelson Center Travel to Collections Awards
Applications for 2014 open on 1 October 2013.
The Travel to Collections Awards Program supports research on the history of invention and innovation based on the holdings of the Museum’s Archives Center and curatorial divisions. The Archives Center holds more than 20,000 feet of archival materials. The collections are particularly strong in personal papers and business records documenting the history of American enterprise and technology.
Since 1995 the Lemelson Center has supported oral and video documentation of contemporary inventors and inventions such as the SmartLevel, a high-tech electronic level, the Gerber Cutter, a computer controlled fabric cutter invented by H. Joseph Gerber, the Sendzimir “Z” Mill for cold rolling steel invented by Tadeusz Sendzimir, and the windsurfer invented by S. Newman Darby.
To encourage use of its invention-related collections, the Lemelson Center offers short-term travel awards. Awards are $150 per day for 10 business days (Monday-Friday) maximum. No additional funds will be granted for travel. The travel award may be used to cover transportation and living expenses, and copying pertinent archival resources. All funds awarded are subject to tax and non-U.S. applicants should inquire about visa status and tax implications. Scholars, graduate students, and independent researchers not residing or attending school within commuting distance of the National Museum of American History may apply for this program. Awards may not be used to extend other Smithsonian appointments. Only one award can be offered to a visitor within a twelve-month period.
Decisions are made on the basis of recommendation and review by the Smithsonian staff.
Recipients must commence their research at the National Museum of American History within one year of being notified of the award.
Recipients are requested to submit a short report on their research at the National Museum of American History. Edited versions of or excerpts from these reports may be used in the Lemelson Center's publications.
Recipients are asked to provide the Center with a copy of any publication resulting from research conducted as a result of the award.
Recipients are requested to participate in an informal brown bag lunch discussion at the Lemelson Center.
Application Process
Applications for 2014 open on 1 October 2013. The deadline to submit applications is 15 January 2014.
Applicants must apply using the Smithsonian online application system at:
Please be aware that complete applications must include the following:
application form;
current curriculum vitae or resume;
bibliography of relevant secondary sources;
statement of purpose summarizing their project and detailing why the Archives Center’s collections are essential to their research;
list of specific collections or resources to be consulted (visit the main archives page to search online finding aids for invention-related collections at the Archives Center).
Applicants must consult with the Travel Award Coordinator prior to submitting a proposal. Awards will be announced in mid-April 2014.
To request information about the Archives Center’s invention-related holdings contact Alison L. Oswald at: 202.633.3726. More information about Smithsonian collections and staff can be found on the following web sites:
National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
Archives Center, NMAH, Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Other Smithsonian museums and research facilities
For more information, contact:
Travel to Collections Awards Program
Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation
National Museum of American History, Room 1210, MRC 604
Smithsonian Institution
P.O. Box 37012
Washington, DC 20013-7012
Tel: (202) 633-3726
Fax: (202) 633-4593
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Code4lib 2014 Diversity Scholarships: Call for Applications
For the Code4Lib 2014 Conference, 9 scholarships have been sponsored
to promote diversity.
CLIR/DLF has sponsored 5 scholarships, EBSCO has sponsored 2
scholarships, ProQuest has sponsored 1 full scholarship, and Sumana
Harihareswara has sponsored half a scholarship which was matched by
ProQuest. All sponsors have left it up to the discretion of the
Code4Lib 2014 Scholarship Committee for how to award these diversity
The Code4Lib Scholarship Committee will award 9 diversity scholarships
based on merit and need. Each scholarship will provide up to $1,000 to
cover travel costs and conference fees for a qualified attendee to
attend the 2014 Code4Lib Conference, which will be held in Raleigh,
North Carolina, from March 24 - 27, 2014.
For more information on the Code4Lib Conference, please see the
conference website:
You can see write-ups of previous Code4Lib Conferences:
To qualify for a scholarship, an applicant must be interested in
actively contributing to the mission and goals of the Code4Lib
- Four scholarships will be awarded to any woman or transgendered person.
- Four scholarships will be awarded to any person of Hispanic or
Latino, Black or African-American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific
Islander, or American Indian or Alaskan Native descent.
- One scholarship will be awarded to the best remaining candidate who
meets any of the previously mentioned eligibility requirements.
Eligible applicants may apply based on multiple criteria, but no
applicant will receive more than one scholarship. Past winners of any
Code4Lib scholarship are not eligible for a scholarship.
The scholarship recipients will be selected based upon their merit and
financial needs.
Scholarship recipients are required to write and submit a brief trip
report to the Code4Lib 2014 Scholarships Committee by April 1, 2014 to
be posted to the Code4Lib wiki. The report should address: (a) what
kind of experience they had at the conference, (b) what they have
learned, (c) what suggestions they have for future attendees and
conference organizers.
All reimbursement forms and receipts must be received by May 26, 2014.
To apply, please send an email to Jason Ronallo (
with the subject heading “Code4Lib 2014 Diversity Scholarship
Application” containing the following (combined into a single attached
PDF, if possible):
1. A brief letter of interest, which:
- Identifies your eligibility for a diversity scholarship
- Describes your interest in the conference and how you intend to
- Discusses your merit and needs for the scholarship
2. A résumé or CV
3. Contact information for two professional or academic references
The application deadline is Dec. 13, 2013, 5pm EST. The scholarship
committee will notify successful candidates the week of Jan. 6, 2013.
We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting the Code4Lib 2014
Diversity Scholarships.
Council on Library and Information Resources
Digital Library Federation
Sumana Harihareswara
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Call for Applicants: 2014 Archives Leadership Institute
Call for Applicants: 2014 Archives Leadership Institute
- Are you looking for a way to recharge your professional life?
- Do you crave a challenge that will get you thinking about archives in a radically new way?
- Would you like to expand your network of peers while building relationships that will impact you for the rest of your career?
The Archives Leadership Institute (ALI) at Luther College is a dynamic program that provides advanced leadership training and mentorship for 25 innovative archival leaders, giving them the knowledge and tools to transform the profession in practice, theory and attitude.
If you would like to be a part of the 2014 Cohort, please apply before January 3, 2014. Details about the application process and what characteristics the ideal ALI participant has can be found at Participants selected as the 2014 Cohort will be notified by the end of February.
The Archives Leadership Institute has been funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) since 2008 and was held at the University of Wisconsin Madison until 2012. Luther College has been selected to develop and host ALI for years 2013, 2014, and 2015.
If you have any questions, please visit or contact Sasha Griffin at >.
Sasha Griffin
Digital Archivist, ALI Program Coordinator
Preus Library, Luther College
700 College Dr
Decorah, IA 52101
Ph: 563-387-1725
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
CFP - Going All In: Library Instruction for Students in Online Education Programs
2014 LIRT Conference Program
ALA Annual Conference
Las Vegas, NV
Going All In: Library Instruction for Students in Online Education Programs
The 2014 LIRT conference program planning committee is issuing an open call for proposals for presentations that focus on strategies that libraries of all types have used to provide instruction to students in wholly online courses or programs. Presentations should be approximately 20 minutes in length. An increasing amount of coursework, both at the secondary and postsecondary level, is being conducted online. This shift in the delivery method of education which began at the college level is now occurring throughout the K-16 continuum. Because many of the students in these classes and programs will never set foot into the host institution, this transformation has necessitated a great deal of change in all aspects of library services, including information literacy instruction. This conference program will spotlight some innovative ways that libraries are conducting and delivering instruction to this new cohort. Please submit a title and brief description of your proposed presentation to by December 6th 2013.
Ava M. Iuliano, MLIS
International Relations Librarian
Florida International University
Green Library 236C
11200 SW 8th St.
Miami, FL 33199
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
George Cunha and Susan Swartzburg Preservation Award
George Cunha and Susan Swartzburg Preservation Award
Deadline December 1, 2013
The George Cunha and Susan Swartzburg Preservation Award was established by the Preservation and Reformatting Section (PARS) to honor the memory of George Cunha and Susan Swartzburg, early leaders in cooperative preservation programming and strong advocates for collaboration in the field of preservation.
The award acknowledges and supports cooperative preservation projects and/or rewards individuals or groups that foster collaboration for preservation goals. Recipients of the George Cunha and Susan Swartzburg Award demonstrate vision, endorse cooperation and advocate for the preservation of published and primary source resources that capture the richness of our cultural patrimony. The award recognizes the leadership and initiative required to build collaborative networks designed to achieve specific preservation goals. Any person or group is eligible for this award; membership in ALA is not required. The Cunha/Swartzburg Award is sponsored by Hollinger Metal Edge and includes a $1,250 grant and citation.
Criteria, The award jury will consider:
a project emphasizing collaboration or partnership
collaboration extending the preservation vision beyond the circle of preservation specialists and foster action to raise awareness and set priorities, projects, and programs into motion
nomination of an individual or group for cumulative achievement as a mentor or advocate of collaborative preservation.
Any person or group is eligible for this award; membership in the ALA organization is not required.
Send nominations, including:
· name of the person or group being nominated
· address, phone number and email address of nominee and nominating party
· a formal statement of nomination, with rationale for the nomination
· resume, vita or extensive narrative career outline upon which the award jury can base its determination
· letters of support and endorsement
Please send nominations to Julie Mosbo, chair, Cunha/Swartzburg Jury,
Visit the Cunha Swartzburg page for more information.
Call for Proposals - The Innovative Library Classroom
Call for Proposals
The Innovative Library Classroom
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Radford University, Radford, VA
We are excited to announce the first-ever meeting of The Innovative Library Classroom, a day-long conference dedicated to the exploration of innovative practices related to teaching and learning in libraries. The Innovative Library Classroom is supported by the Virginia Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries (VLACRL) and a number of Virginia institutions, including Radford University, Virginia Tech, Hollins University, and Longwood University. The conference will be held at Radford University in Radford, Virginia, on May 13, 2014.
We are now accepting proposals for two different session types: a longer (45 minute) presentation session and a shorter (7 minute) lighting talk. We invite proposals on any topic related to teaching and learning in libraries. If you are doing something innovative, we want to hear about it!
Full details and a link to the proposal form are available at:
Submission deadline: November 30, 2013
Notification: December 15, 2013
Rebecca K. Miller
Information Literacy Coordinator/Science Librarian
University Libraries at Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
CFP - North American DDI conference
The call for papers for the 2nd North American DDI conference is now open and due by January 19, 2014. This year's event will be held at Simon Frasier University, Vancouver March 31- April 2, 2013. Conference sponsors include the Sloan Foundation, ICPSR, and Simon Frasier University.
DDI stands for the Data Documentation Initiative, an initiative "to create an international standard for describing data from the social, behavioral, and economic sciences. Expressed in XML, the DDI metadata specification now supports the entire research data life cycle. DDI metadata accompanies and enables data conceptualization, collection, processing, distribution, discovery, analysis, repurposing, and archiving.”
Deborah Ludwig, Assistant Dean
University of Kansas Libraries
Monday, November 11, 2013
FREE webinar - The Fiscal Situation in Washington - And How it Gives Librarians a HUGE Advantage
The Fiscal Situation in Washington - And How it Gives Librarians a HUGE Advantage
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
According to a recent poll, Congress is less popular than cockroaches these days, which has many on the Federal advocacy front lines discouraged. But don't despair! As the debate moves to the state and local level, the library community has a huge advantage. This webinar will show you how to use that advantage to avoid setbacks and perhaps even make great strides forward.
We'll look at the current fiscal and political situation in Washington and why that increases our influence at the local level. We'll also provide insights into advocacy resources we're developing in response to a recent ALA Washington office survey. Through this survey we asked the question "how we can we help you be more effective advocates?" - and over 1,000 of you answered!
As part of the webinar we'll answer some of the top questions that came out of the research, including:
. What are the legal limits to lobbying?
. Where can I find resources for getting my friends / trustees / parents / teachers / students engaged?
. How can I best advocate with local decision-makers?
. How can I get the support of my administration / school board?
. How do I get others (and/or myself) motivated to act?
We'll also gather your feedback on whether we're on the right track with the new materials we're developing as well as what we need to add more value to your ALA membership.
Wondering what's happening (or not) in Washington, D.C.? Concerned about how the federal fiscal situation might impact on the ground services? Want to know what you can do to make a difference? Join us to learn the answers to those questions - and more.
The Fiscal Situation in Washington - And How it Gives Librarians a HUGE Advantage
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Mac®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.6 or newer
Mobile attendees
Required: iPhone®, iPad®, AndroidT phone or Android tablet
Ted Wegner
Grassroots Coordinator
American Library Association
Washington Office-Office of Government Relations
1615 New Hampshire Avenue N.W., 1st Floor
Washington, DC 20009-2520
Phone: 202-628-8410
Fax: 202-628-8419
free webinar - Are Users Finding Our Online Reference Resources?
Are Users Finding Our Online Reference Resources?
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
2pm/CST; 3pm/EST
Sponsored by the RUSA CODES Reference Publishing Advisory Committee
and the RSS Education and Professional Development for Reference Committee
Libraries spend a great deal of money on quality online reference resources in the hope that they will be useful to our communities. But are they being used? How do users discover reference resources in the online environment: teaching, research guides, stand-alone vendor resources? How do we enable users to cross multiple interfaces to reach reference sources? Join our discussions with librarians and vendors on these issues.
At the last ALA Midwinter meeting, the
Committee held a discussion to address these issues. Due to high
interest in that discussion, a webinar will be presented with another
group of publishing professionals for the panel.Libraries spend a great deal of money on quality online reference resources in the hope that they will be useful to our communities. But are they being used? How do users discover reference resources in the online environment: teaching, research guides, stand-alone vendor resources? How do we enable users to cross multiple interfaces to reach reference sources? Join our discussions with librarians and vendors on these issues.
Sign up for this free webinar HERE. [You will be emailed access information before the webinar.]
The panel includes:
Stephen Abram, Stephen’s Lighthouse Blog
Lettie Y. Conrad, Sages
Jackie Ricords, Credo
Peggy Fulton, Paratext
This webinar is funded by the Reference & User Services Association, a division of the American Library Association.
CFP - Music Encoding Conference
You are cordially invited to participate in the Music Encoding Conference, which will be
held 21-23 May 2014 (with pre-conference workshops on 20 May) at the University of Virginia
in Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.A.
The quest for a coherent and universal system for the digital representation of music
notation has been pursued for decades and the recent accomplishments of the Music Encoding
Initiative have garnered a great deal of attention in a wide range of music scholarship and
in the broader digital humanities. The encoding of symbolic music data opens new research
paths to traditional music studies (from editing to analysis) and computational musicology,
and constitutes a foundational tool for music bibliography and librarianship. This
conference aims to gather specialists in all these areas, to discuss the current state of
modeling, generation and use of music encoding, to exchange experiences, and to forge
Proposals for papers, posters, panel discussions, and pre-conference workshops are
encouraged. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
• music encoding as a theoretical approach for research
• methodologies for encoding, music editing, description and analysis
• rendering of symbolic music data in audio and graphical forms
• relationships between symbolic music data, encoded text, and facsimile images
• capture, interchange, and re-purposing of music data and metadata
• ontologies, authority files, and linked data in music encoding and description
• additional topics relevant to music encoding, editing, and description
The deadline for all submissions is 31 December 2013. PDF or Word-compatible files are
preferred. All submissions must include:
• name(s) of author(s)
• title
• abstract
• current or most recent institutional affiliation of author(s) and e-mail address
• proposal type: paper, poster, session, or workshop
For paper and poster proposals, abstracts of no more than 1000 words, including relevant
bibliographic references, are requested. Please also include a short statement regarding
your current interests related to music encoding.
Panel session proposals, describing the topic and nature of the session and including short
biographies of the participants, must be no longer than 2000 words.
Proposals for half- or full-day pre-conference workshops, to be held on May 20th, should
include the workshop’s proposed duration, as well as its logistical and technical
All accepted papers, posters, and panel sessions will be included in the conference
proceedings, tentatively scheduled to be published by the end of 2014.
In accordance with feedback from participants in last year's conference, all activities
will take place within a single track. Additional details regarding registration,
accommodations, etc. will be announced on the conference webpage
Important dates:
• 31 December 2013: Deadline for abstract submissions
• 7 February 2014: Notification of acceptance of submissions
• 20 May 2014: Pre-conference workshops
• 21-24 May 2014: Conference
• 31 July 2014: Deadline for submission of full papers for conference proceedings
• December 2014: Publication of conference proceedings
If you have any questions, please e-mail conference2014@music-encoding.
Program Committee
• Giuliano Di Bacco, Indiana University, chair
(Local) Organizers
• Perry Roland, University of Virginia
• Sarah Wells, University of Virginia
• Johannes Kepper, Universität Paderborn
• Daniel Röwenstrunk, Universität Paderborn
CFP - eBUG Conference
The eBUG Conference is scheduled for June 20, 2014 at Morehead State University Morehead, Kentucky.
Proposals are now being accepted for presentations for the 2014 annual conference of the Ex Libris Bluegrass Users Group (eBUG). Presentations are being sought for all Ex Libris products, such as Primo, SFX, Voyager, etc. We highly encourage the submission relating to public services, library instruction, technical services, and systems.
All topics should be related to Ex Libris products and presentations should last approximately 45 minutes. Chosen presenters must agree to provide ELUNA and Ex Libris copies of their presentations for posting on their respective websites, if requested. Conference registration fees for presenters of accepted proposals will be waived.
Proposals should be submitted on the eBUG website:
The deadline to submit a proposal is March 3, 2014. Notification regarding acceptance of proposals will take place by March 17, 2014.
Questions may be directed to the current eBUG officers.
On behalf of the eBUG officers,
Ophelia Chapman ( – Morehead State University
Pamela Colyer ( – Morehead State University
Maureen Cropper ( – Bluegrass Community &Technical College
Proposals are now being accepted for presentations for the 2014 annual conference of the Ex Libris Bluegrass Users Group (eBUG). Presentations are being sought for all Ex Libris products, such as Primo, SFX, Voyager, etc. We highly encourage the submission relating to public services, library instruction, technical services, and systems.
All topics should be related to Ex Libris products and presentations should last approximately 45 minutes. Chosen presenters must agree to provide ELUNA and Ex Libris copies of their presentations for posting on their respective websites, if requested. Conference registration fees for presenters of accepted proposals will be waived.
Proposals should be submitted on the eBUG website:
The deadline to submit a proposal is March 3, 2014. Notification regarding acceptance of proposals will take place by March 17, 2014.
Questions may be directed to the current eBUG officers.
On behalf of the eBUG officers,
Ophelia Chapman ( – Morehead State University
Pamela Colyer ( – Morehead State University
Maureen Cropper ( – Bluegrass Community &Technical College
CFP - Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science
Special Issue of the
Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science
Suggested title: LIS Perspectives on Privacy and Information Management
Guest editors: Jacquelyn Burkell and Alexandre Fortier
Proposed aim and scope:
professionals have the difficult task of managing information and
supporting others to do the same in an increasingly complex environment
where issues of information protection,
control, and ownership are of paramount importance. These issues present
challenges to the practice of information professionals: for example,
how can libraries adequately protect the privacy of patron information?
They also invite a discussion of the role
of information professionals in public education and literacy: should
information professionals be responsible for public education on issues
such as privacy, intellectual property, and copyright? This special
issue focuses on the role of information professionals
with respect to these aspects of information management. We are seeking
submissions that address these issues, examining questions including
(but not limited to):
information professionals, what is the state of knowledge regarding
information protection, control and ownership? What do information
professionals know and
need to know about issues such as privacy and information management?
What training do we offer, and what
should we offer, to information professionals with respect to these issues?
are information professionals responding to the policy issues that
arise with respect to privacy and information management? How are these
issues affecting service
delivery? What policies are being developed, and what are the challenges
to effective policy responses?
is the role of information professionals in helping people to become
more literate and able to respond to privacy and information management
challenges? What programs
are being developed? Are interventions effective?
Proposed timeline:
Deadline for submission: March 15, 2014
Numéro spécial de la
Revue canadienne des sciences de l’information et de bibliothéconomie
Titre suggéré : Perspectives des sciences de l’information et de la bibliothéconomie sur la gestion
de l’information et les questions liées à la vie privée
Directeurs scientifiques invités : Jacquelyn Burkell et Alexandre Fortier
Objectif proposé et cadre de recherches :
Les professionnels
de l’information ont la tâche ardue de gérer de l’information et d’aider
le public à faire de même dans un environnement de plus en plus
complexe où les questions de protection, de contrôle et de propriété de
l’information sont d’une importance primordiale.
Les défis que présentent ces questions sont multiples. Comment les
bibliothèques, par exemple, peuvent-elles protéger adéquatement la
confidentialité des renseignements personnels de leur clientèle ? Les
professionnels de l’information devraient-ils être responsables
de l’éducation du public concernant les questions de vie privée et la
gestion de l’information ? Ce numéro spécial porte sur le rôle des
professionnels de l’information à l’égard de ces aspects de la gestion
de l’information et se concentre sur les questions
suivantes (sans toutefois s’y limiter) :
est l’état des connaissances des professionnels de l’information en
matière de protection, de contrôle et de propriété de l’information ?
Que savent les professionnels
de l’information et qu’ont-ils besoin de savoir ? Quelles sont les
formations que nous offrons et celles que nous devrions leur offrir
concernant ces questions ?
les professionnels de l’information réagissent-ils aux problèmes
qu’occasionnent les politiques générales en matière de vie privée et de
gestion de l’information ?
Comment ces problèmes de politique générale affectent-ils la prestation
des services ? Quelles politiques sont mises au point, et quels sont les
défis à surmonter afin d’obtenir des réactions efficaces aux
problèmes ?
est le rôle joué par les professionnels de l’information quand ils
aident leur clientèle à devenir plus compétente et capable de répondre
aux défis de la gestion
et de la confidentialité des informations ? Quels sont les programmes en
cours d’élaboration ?
Calendrier proposé :
Date limite de remise des propositions : 15 mars 2014
Fellowship in Paper and Book Conservation
The Department of Preservation and Conservation at
the University of Michigan Library is now accepting proposals for the
Cathleen A. Baker Fellowship in Paper and Book Conservation.
Established by a gift from conservator,
teacher, and paper historian Cathleen A. Baker, the Baker Fellowship
provides financial support for conservators at various levels in their
careers to enable them to spend time working on a research or practical
project at the University of Michigan Library's Conservation Lab. While
projects focused on conservation of paper-based collections are typical,
proposals on related non-paper materials, such as papyrus or
parchment/vellum, will also be considered. Most fellows will work with
U-M Library conservators to develop their own knowledge and skills, but a
fellow may also join the lab primarily to pass on her/his expertise to
the U-M conservators. Building and sharing knowledge are the primary
goals of this fellowship. The fellowship is offered annually.
Applicants propose a
project, the length of time they wish to spend at the U-M Library
Conservation Lab (2 to 12 months), and a budget. Proposals for 2014-2015
may request up to $10,000 for the project. This fellowship is limited
to United States citizens or residents with U.S. work permits only.
More information about the Fellowship and how to apply is available at: .
Preservation and Conservation Internship
Iowa State University is
accepting applications for the 2014 Lennox Foundation Preservation and Conservation
Internship. This twelve week internship is intended to give current
graduate students and recent graduates of preservation and/or conservation
programs the opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge of care and
treatment of library and archives materials in an academic library.
Interns will learn about the overall functioning and organization of the
Preservation Department and will undertake and complete a project based on
their interests and skills, and the needs and capabilities of the
Eligibility and requirements:
Applicants must currently be graduate students, in good standing, in a
program of library and archives preservation administration or conservation; or
a recent graduate of such a program;
Applicants must have completed at least four preservation or
conservation courses before the anticipated start date of this internship;
Applicants must commit to 12 consecutive weeks of full-time employment
as interns;
Internship must be completed within the calendar year;
At the end of the internship, the intern will be required to submit a
final report or project;
Applicants must have student or working visas if not U.S. citizens.
The 2014 Lennox Foundation Internship provides a $3,200 stipend plus
university housing for 12 weeks. Deadline for applications is Thursday, January
16, 2014.
For more information see:
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Christopher B. Cope and Jamie J. Shaw Archival Internship
Christopher B. Cope and Jamie J. Shaw Archival Internship, Summer 2014
The Archives Center is seeking a qualified graduate student for one paid archival internship. Qualified candidates must be enrolled in a graduate degree program and have completed graduate course work in archival, library, or information management, and/or graduate course work in American history, American Studies, Museum Studies, and Public History. Recent graduates may also apply.
Interns in the Archives Center will participate in a wide variety of projects under the direction of professional archival staff. Students will gain career-relevant archival experience in a Museum setting while contributing to the work of the Institution. The internship stipend is $5,000 and is subject to tax. Housing, benefits, and transportation are not provided. The Cope/Shaw Internship is open to all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin.
Internships are located in the Museum's Archives Center, a manuscripts and special collections repository with more than 1,300 collections in a wide range of subject areas and a full time staff of eight. The internship experience is designed to assist the Archives Center staff with its reference functions.
Reference Internship: Assist researchers in the reading room; retrieve and re-shelve materials; help staff respond to public inquiries concerning Archives Center collections; assist in research in collections and compose replies; make reproductions of audiovisual materials and photocopies from collections; digitize and create usable metadata for collection materials under the supervision of the Reference Team. Other duties as assigned.
A commitment of 40 hours per week (Monday-Friday) for a 10 week period is required. United States citizenship is not required but nonresident aliens must apply for the appropriate U.S. visa if selected. Selected candidate should have basic computer skills; be proficient in English; have good handwriting, be flexible to changing situations; be reliable and responsible; be able to work independently as well as in a group environment; be able to accept supervision; be able to perform repetitive tasks; have good organizational skills; be detail oriented; and have the ability to lift a 40 lb. box.
Applicants must apply through the Smithsonian online application system SOLAA. Applications submitted outside of SOLAA or after the deadline will not be accepted. All application materials will be made available to the Archives Center staff and its advisers. The Archives Center cannot arrange an internship project or award a stipend to all qualified candidates.
Complete applications in SOLAA must include the following:
• Internship Program application form
• Cover letter
• CV/Resume
• An essay (no more than 3 pages single spaced) exploring how history is relevant today and why archival work is an important part of our society.
• Graduate transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable)
• Two letters of reference
All materials must be submitted to the online application system by March 3, 2014 for consideration. One offer will be made by April 28, 2014. The internship begins on or after
June 2, 2014.
For further information contact:
Alison L. Oswald, Archivist
Archives Center Internship Coordinator
National Museum of American History
Smithsonian Institution
Archives Center, MRC 601
P.O. Box 37012
Washington, DC 20013-7012
Phone: (202) 633-3726
Fax: (202) 312-1990
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
CFP - Scholarly Journals
Scholarly Journals is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published monthly.
Scholarly Journals is dedicated to increasing the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject.
We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) to
for publication. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within four weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue.
Instruction for authors and other details are available on online.
We publish article in the following journals:
Scholarly Journal of Biological Science (ISSN 2315-6147)
Scholarly Journal of Agricultural Science (ISSN 2276-7118, Impact Factor 1.3725)
Scholarly Journal of Biotechnology (ISSN 2315-6171)
Scholarly Journal of Medicine (ISSN 2276-7134)
Scholarly Journal of Business Administration (ISSN 2276-7126)
Scholarly Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science (ISSN 2276-8947)
Scholarly Journal of Engineering Research (ISSN 2276-8955)
Scholarly Journal of Physical and Applied Chemistry (ISSN 2276-8939)
Scholarly Journal of Education (ISSN 2315-6155)
Scholarly Journal of Science Research and Essay (ISSN 2315-6163).
Scholarly Journals is an online, open access, monthly double peer-reviewed, international journal which publishes original innovative research works, reviews and case reports dealing with management studies and research. The journal allows free access to its contents, which is likely to attract more readers and citations to published articles.
Kindly send us your manuscript for consideration.
Enudi John
Scholarly Journals
share many challenges: scarce resources, increased user demand and ever
more complex collections, systems and workflows. To help manage these
challenges, today’s cloud-based library management services offer real
solutions. Join us for this free session as Joseph Janes
discusses the challenges libraries are facing today and what the future
holds. Then hear from librarians whose libraries have benefited from
cloud-based integration, experiencing streamlined workflows that free up
their time and resources. Andrew K. Pace explains how OCLC WorldShare® Management Services provide the environment that simplifies workflows and generates cost benefits for libraries.
NOTE: Webcast attendees will receive a 25% discount code for the print or ebook edition of Library 2020, edited by Joseph Janes. Register today! |
Keynote speaker
Joseph Janes |
Guests scheduled to appear include:
Joseph Janes
MLIS Program Chair, Information School at the University of Washington
Tad Mindeman
Library Director, Covenant College |
Steve Shorb and Rene Erlandson
Dean of Libraries and Director of Virtual Services University of Nebraska at Omaha
Andrew K. Pace
Executive Director, Networked Library Services, OCLC |
Register now for this free event at |
Can't make it on November 13th? No problem! Register now
and after the event is over, you'll receive an e-mail reminder from
Library Journal letting you know that the webcast is archived and
available for on-demand viewing at your convenience!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Library Graduate Assistant Internship (Paid)
Library Graduate Assistant Internship (Paid)
Institution name:
Gateway Community & Technical College
Library type:
Introductory Information:
Boone and Covington Campus, Northern Kentucky Hours: Twenty hours per
week during the Spring 2014 semester. Work schedules vary to accommodate
needs of both the library graduate student’s schedule and that of the
library. No work assignments will be made during College holidays.
Gateway Community and Technical College provides high quality,
affordable, accessible, and inclusive postsecondary education and
training resulting in a positive contribution to the economic vitality
of the region and enhanced quality of life for all citizens.
Partnerships with school districts, colleges, universities, business and
industry, and the community at large are part of our seamless system of
entrepreneurial-learning which creates pathways to success through
certificate, diploma, associate degree and transfer programs;
developmental, adult, and continuing education; workforce and customized
training; support services for the enhancement of student learning and
success. Gateway Community and Technical College is a member of the
Kentucky Community and Technical College System and is a public two-year
degree granting institution serving the Northern Kentucky Region.
Position Description: The Library is seeking a library or information
science graduate student for the 2013-2014 academic year.
and instructs patrons in using and learning to independently access
library databases, printer, scanners, optical reader, copier; Performs
inventory of materials at library; Makes ID cards for students, staff
and faculty and keeps records for all IDs; Maintains Reference
collection, collection on reserve, magazines, mailbox, archives,
bulletin board, and circulating paperbacks; Assist with requesting NKU
books, courier and library holds; Assist with special projects; Contact
person for overdue materials from NKU; Others duties as assigned.
completion of a core, graduate-level information sources and services
course; excellent oral and written communication skills; a commitment to
the educational role of academic reference faculty; an ability to work
well with library users with varying levels of information literacy
experience and skills; ability to work in collaborative relationships
with a variety of library faculty, staff, and other graduate, and
student assistants. Applicants should currently be enrolled in an
MLIS/MLS program at an accredited university. Some on-the-job training
will be provided, specific for each campus, but applicants should have a
general understanding of library principals. The successful candidate
will report to the Interim Director of the Library and Information
Salary and Benefits:
The Library Graduate Assistant will be a paid position of 20 hours a week at a rate of $11 an hour.
To apply, please send a resume and a letter of interest to Kathy Driggers (
Fri, 12/20/2013
The Glenstone Library is now accepting applications for the Spring 2014 Library Collections Internship. Reporting to the Assistant Librarian, the Library Collections Intern will assist in conducting an inventory of library holdings in preparation for the implementation of a new Integrated Library System (ILS). The project will involve original cataloging, copy cataloging, and assigning or updating correct locations to library materials in addition to other duties, as needed. The intern will have a unique opportunity to gain experience in a newly developed, contemporary art museum library. Click here to see the full job description and qualifications. Compensation is $15 per hour and/or academic credit in line with graduate school requirements. To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and a list of 3 professional references (including full contact information) to Tessa Brawley, Assistant Librarian, at by Friday, November 15, 2013.
The Glenstone Library is now accepting applications for the Spring 2014 Library Collections Internship.
to the Assistant Librarian, the Library Collections Intern will assist
in conducting an inventory of library holdings in preparation for the
implementation of a new Integrated Library
System (ILS). The project will involve original cataloging, copy
cataloging, and assigning or updating correct locations to library
materials in addition to other duties, as needed. The intern will have a
unique opportunity to gain experience in a newly developed,
contemporary art museum library. Click here to see the full job description and qualifications.
Compensation is $15 per hour and/or academic credit in line with graduate school requirements.
apply, send a cover letter, resume, and a list of 3 professional
references (including full contact information) to Tessa Brawley,
Assistant Librarian, at tessa.brawley@glenstone.orgCandlewick Press Light the Way grant.
Greetings! There's still time to apply for the ALSC
Candlewick Press Light the Way grant. The deadline is December 1, 2013.
This is a great funding opportunity if you have a project or program
related to library service to children in special
populations. The application is at this link:
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Emerald Research Grant Award
Are you a librarian in need of funding for a business research project?
The Emerald Research Grant Award, sponsored
by Emerald Group Publishing Limited offers
one award of $2,500 and a citation to an individual or team seeking
support to conduct research in business librarianship. The awards
will be presented at the RUSA Awards Ceremony at the 2014 ALA Annual
Conference in Las Vegas. Recipients will be required to attend the RUSA
Awards Ceremony.
must submit a detailed proposal outlining their proposed research
project; methodology, scope and timetable; how this project fits into
the existing literature; and projected
outcomes, including a statement outlining how this research will benefit
the library profession. Proposals will be reviewed for thoroughness;
potential to positively impact the library profession; and potential to
provide a useful addition to the existing
library literature. Proposals will be accepted from both individual
researchers and those working collaboratively. At least one member of a
collaborative team must be a member of ALA.
The deadline for proposals is December 15, 2013.
Proposals can be sent to
CFP - Back in Circulation Again
Back in Circulation Again
October 6-7, 2014
School of Library and Information Studies, Continuing Education Services
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI
Do you have an innovative approach to circulation services you'd like to share? The University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Library and Information Studies will be hosting their popular Back in Circulation Again conference next October and will be accepting proposals until January 10, 2014. Topics may include, but are not limited to: e-reserves, stacks management, staff management, staff training, staff motivation, keeping up with technology, customer service, and innovation. See last year's schedule ( ) for inspiration.
Circulation managers and
staff from public and academic libraries all over the United States
Please submit a 200-250 word description of your proposed session to Anna Palmer,, by January 10, 2014.
All selected speakers will receive a complimentary conference registration.
October 6-7, 2014
School of Library and Information Studies, Continuing Education Services
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI
Do you have an innovative approach to circulation services you'd like to share? The University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Library and Information Studies will be hosting their popular Back in Circulation Again conference next October and will be accepting proposals until January 10, 2014. Topics may include, but are not limited to: e-reserves, stacks management, staff management, staff training, staff motivation, keeping up with technology, customer service, and innovation. See last year's schedule (
Please submit a 200-250 word description of your proposed session to Anna Palmer,, by January 10, 2014.
All selected speakers will receive a complimentary conference registration.
CFP - Going All In: Library Instruction for Students in Online Education Programs
Call for proposals:
2014 LIRT Conference Program
Going All In: Library Instruction for Students in Online Education Programs
The 2014 LIRT conference program planning committee is issuing an open call
for proposals for presentations that focus on strategies that libraries
of all types have used to provide instruction to students in wholly
online courses or programs. Presentations should be approximately 20
minutes in length.
increasing amount of coursework, both at the secondary and
postsecondary level, is being conducted online. This shift in the
delivery method of education which began at the college level is now
occurring throughout the K-16 continuum. Because many of the students in
these classes and programs will never set foot into the host
institution, this transformation has necessitated a great deal of change
in all aspects of library services, including information literacy
The 2014 LIRT
conference program will spotlight innovative ways that libraries are
conducting and delivering instruction to this new cohort. Please submit a
title and brief description of your proposed presentation to by December 6th 2013.
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