May 2
Sizzling Spring Cookbook Buzz (Library Journal)
Break out those farmer’s market carts, uncover that barbecue grill, and
unfold your best checkered picnic blanket. Warm weather is an
invitation to cook! Fantastic meals for sunny spring celebrations and
family dinners start with fresh ingredients and fresh ideas. Join us for
our Sizzling Spring Cookbook Buzz, and inspire your patrons to cook up
something special! With fresh offerings from Running Press, Random House
Inc., and Tuttle Publishing, spring will be nothing short of delicious.
May 3
Tech Tools with Tine: MS Office Tricks (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Please join us for a special series with technology trainer, Christine
Walczyk, all about popular online tools. The series is meant to be short
on talk about library context and higher concepts. It's really all
about the tools themselves! Our aim is to demonstrate how to use one
tool in each webinar in under 60 minutes with time for Q&A built in.
May 6
B-Ready: Building College and Career Readiness with Digital Resources (School Library Journal)
School librarians play a key role in ensuring that students have the
tools and knowledge to succeed. Now, in light of the Common Core’s
increased emphasis on college, career, and world readiness, is your
school library equipped with the right next-generation digital resources
for mastering 21st century skills? Using examples from Britannica
Digital Learning’s exciting portfolio of digital solutions, this webinar
will illustrate valuable criteria that school librarians can apply when
evaluating online resources to support digital literacy development.
Participants also will learn a new approach, using a third-party rubric,
for guiding students through the objective assessment of resources they
find when reading or researching online.
May 7
Finding Government Information - Water (Wyoming State Library)
In the third of our three part webinar series, the Wyoming State
Library will focus on finding federal government information on specific
topics and issue of particular interest to Wyoming residents on Water.
We will explore the extensive federal government online resources
available and look at some relevant issues within these areas, such as
safe drinking water levels, applying for water rights, and where to find
laws pertaining to water issues.
LibraryYOU: Library as Content Creator (WebJunction)
Learn how the Escondido Public Library partnered with local experts to
create digital content for the library’s collection. Funded by an LSTA
grant, the LibraryYOU project consists of a digital media studio, a
website, and public training classes encouraging community members to
share their knowledge and learn how to communicate through digital media
formats. LibraryYOU helps strengthen connections with local businesses,
establishing the library as a technology leader in the community. This
webinar covers how Escondido set up LibraryYOU and how other libraries,
large and small, can set up similar community content creation projects.
Geek the Library Informational Webinar (Geek the Library)
Get a complete Geek the Library overview and your questions answered in
a live format. Our informational webinars are a simple way to learn
about the details before committing to participate in the program.
Truth About Social Learning (Insync Training)
"Social learning" and "informal learning" are among the training
industry's hottest phrases these days. But there's so much confusion
over what they mean, and what they mean to those of us in the business.
In this session we'll spend some time looking at real examples of social
and informal learning as it happens in workplaces all the time, every
day. Along the way we'll generate some ideas for locating, supporting
and facilitating social learning opportunities toward the greater goal
of enhancing organizational performance.
Worlds of the Imagination: What’s New in SF/Fantasy (Booklist)
Science fiction and fantasy remain greatly popular among genre fiction
readers and are gaining new fans fast! In this hour-long, free webinar,
hear what series promise to hit it big and what authors have upcoming
volumes. Expand your universe without leaving your seat as
representatives from Baen, Galaxy Press, Tor, and Tu Books cover titles
for all ages. Moderated by Booklist Adult Books editor Brad Hooper.
May 8
Hastings StoryWalk: Walk, Read, Explore (Nebraska Library Commission)
The StoryWalk® Project combines family fun, exercise, and literacy into
one great community activity. The concept involves posting pages of a
book at certain intervals along a walking path. Library Director Amy
Greenland will present lessons learned by the Hastings Public Library,
especially in preparing materials for Nebraska wind and weather, and
participant comments.
Behind the Scenes with Gale Publishing Stories (Library Journal)
Every book has a story. Peak behind the scenes … learn the secrets,
curiosities, and fun facts about two essential reference series from
Gale. Register today to reserve your spot in this informative session
brought to you by Gale, Cengage Learning.
May 9
How Senior Friendly is Your Website? (Accessible Technology Coalition)
The percentage of older people using the Internet continues to rise. As
does the number of younger people who rely on the Internet for
information and resources as they provide support to an older family
member or friend. Learn what it means to deliver web content and
navigation choices that are specifically geared for older web visitors
and their families and caregivers.
Fall 2013 Librarian Preview (Booklist)
Be among the first to see and hear firsthand what Lerner has coming for
readers this fall! Visit with Lerner Publishing Group’s editors as they
unveil the new fantastic new books they’ll be publishing in Fall 2013.
Get the inside scoop and sneak peek at Lerner’s new series, nonfiction
titles, middle grade and YA fiction, graphic novels, and picture books
for grades K-12 coming this January. Plus, learn about new digital
offerings, as well as supports for Common Core State Standards, and free
teaching guides, reader’s discussion guides, classroom activities, and
websites that make lesson planning easy.
Library Learning Goes Online (American Libraries)
Online learning is changing the way schools work. From elementary to
graduate school to continuing education, online tools are creating new
horizons in distance learning and new tools to supplement in-person
learning. But what does this mean for libraries? How can we enhance
traditional library instruction with online tools? How do we create
standards in the face of technology that is constantly changing?
May 10
Tech Tools with Tine: Prezi (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Please join us for a special series with technology trainer, Christine
Walczyk, all about popular online tools. The series is meant to be short
on talk about library context and higher concepts. It's really all
about the tools themselves! Our aim is to demonstrate how to use one
tool in each webinar in under 60 minutes with time for Q&A built in.
May 13
Are You Prepared to Meet the Literacy Needs of African American Male Youth? (University of North Carolina)
The need for quality literacy education is strong, particularly for
certain underserved populations. One group in critical need of improved
literacy instruction is African American males. This webinar will
explore the role of the education community, including librarians, in:
1) closing the literacy achievement gap, 2) nurturing the resolve of
African American male youth, helping them reconcile their different
identities, and reimagine their place in the world, and 3) enabling
African American male youth to take action in their own lives and in
their communities.
May 14
Dazzling Debuts: Hot New Names in Fiction (Booklist)
In this free, hour-long webinar, Random House will introduce four
not-to-be-missed names in fiction, sure to be popular at your library
this summer. You'll hear directly from the authors about their novels,
the writing process, and the inspiration behind their works. Booklist
Collection Management editor Rebecca Vnuk will moderate the panel and
interview the authors, and attendees will have the opportunity to ask
questions of Lottie Moggach (KISS ME FIRST), Jessica Brockmole (LETTERS
FROM SKYE), Koren Zailckas (MOTHER, MOTHER), Robert Rotstein (CORRUPT
Books for Kids: Spring Reading for Growing Minds (School Library Journal)
Are you ready for an adventure? With beautiful illustrations,
imaginative journeys, and timeless lessons, a great children’s book
captures the hearts and minds of all generations. Whether you’re looking
for the perfect book to fit in with the Common Core State Standards or
you’re just looking to spice up story time, this free webcast is for
you. Join Groundwood Books, Teacher Created Materials, and Random House
Inc. as they present the best new upcoming books for kids from Shell
Education, Archie Comics, National Geographic for Kids, Blue Apple
Books, and Quirk Books.
Handling Challenging Situations: What Do I Do Now? Part I of II (InfoPeople)
To a great extent, libraries' users behave within the framework of
acceptable social norms. But a subset of users in all libraries – large,
small, urban, rural, suburban, special and academic – behave outside
these norms, placing stress on the staff and other users. Whether the
behaviors are exhibited by those who are homeless, mentally ill or just
plain rude, providing your staff with limit-setting and self-care skills
can turn challenging situations into empowering ones. San Francisco
Public Library has turned to other City agencies to assist staff in
gaining skills and strategies for responding to these situations.
May 15
Breezing Along with the RML (National Library of Medicine)
NN/LM MCR Coordinators present updates on Regional Medical Library
activities relevant to public and health sciences librarians. This
month: MCR Coordinators will share their experiences from the Medical
Library Association meeting in Boston.
Planning: A Small Library's Strategies for Tech Success (TechSoup)
Join us as we talk about technology planning in libraries with special
guest Alexis Caudell, director of the Mitchell Community Public Library
in Mitchell, Indiana – a busy small-town library, serving a population
of 12,009 across three rural townships. Successful technology
implementation requires time, attention, planning, money, and training.
Alexis focuses on thinking ahead, pursuing grants, and making people a
priority – including both staff members who need training and community
members whose needs are the driving force. We look forward to learning
from Alexis as she shares her experiences and ideas in this session.
This webinar is part of a series of webinars exploring the Edge
Initiative Benchmarks, specifically Benchmark 7, which says: Libraries
integrate public access technology into planning and policies.
Making I.T. Happen! A Toolkit for Building Collaborative Relationships with your IT Department (Colorado State Library)
IT folks carry the stigma of being particularly non-collaborative, but
the stereotype of the loner programmer barricaded in a cubicle is not
necessarily accurate. The growing number of collaborative projects
between library public services and IT departments make it necessary to
examine relationships and create excellent communications for resulting
success. This program will discuss proven management and collaborative
techniques for building relationships, through self-assessment and
teambuilding techniques, and will offer a glimpse into how strong
relationships between IT and public services libraries can lead to
award-winning and innovative projects.
Engage! Teens, Art & Civic Participation: Creating Local, Issues-Based Programming (American Library Association)
This session will focus on issues based discussions for teen audiences,
using the Engage! Teens, Art & Civic Participation model. Adam
Davis, Director for the Project on Civic Reflection and an advisor to
the Engage! project, will walk webinar participants through how to
identify locally relevant issues and images for issues-based teen
programming, and Christie Chandler-Stahl, formerly of the Evanston
(Ill.) Public Library and currently at the Rakow Branch of the Gail
Borden Public Library District in Elgin, Illinois, will share how this
approach worked in her library.
Planning an Adult Program on a Budget: Creative Library Program Solutions (InfoPeople)
This webinar will introduce the beginning program coordinator to the
basic tools necessary to plan, implement and evaluate successful library
programs for adult programming on a budget. From book discussions and
author visits to craft programs and film screenings, this webinar is
designed to help public librarians create programming that underscore
the role of the public library as an important cultural, recreational
and educational institution in the community. This webinar will provide
participants with ideas and samples of programs they can bring to their
own library. A step-by step process and details including getting
started, program types and associated costs, resources for low cost
programs, and marketing and evaluating programs.
May 16
Assistive Technology (AT) Latest and Greatest (Accessible Technology Coalition)
Hosted by AT Network. Presented by Debbie Drennan and Janet Nunez.
Trends in Assistive Technology - The Latest from 2013 ATIA and CSUN
Be the Change: Raise the Bar with Effective Collaborations (Booklist)
Get the big picture and nitty gritty on what you need to about how to
pull off collaborations that work–with peers, principals, public
libraries, parents, and others—using partnerships as well as technology
to turn gaps into opportunities for learning and leadership.
May 17
Tech Tools with Tine: Wikis (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Please join us for a special series with technology trainer, Christine
Walczyk, all about popular online tools. The series is meant to be short
on talk about library context and higher concepts. It's really all
about the tools themselves! Our aim is to demonstrate how to use one
tool in each webinar in under 60 minutes with time for Q&A built in.
May 21
Zero to app in two weeks (O'Reilly)
In working with top tier app partners, the Windows Ecosystem Team has
seen developers produce an app in a little as two weeks, whereas others
meander around for months with little to show. Why this discrepancy?
What are the factors that make the difference between struggle and
success? In this webcast, Kraig Brockschmidt will share the experiences
that he and his team has gained from working with these partners to help
you get your productivity in high gear for your own app-building
Handling Challenging Situations: What Do I Do Now? Part II of II (InfoPeople)
A partnership between the San Francisco Public Library and the local
Department of Public Health resulted in the placement of a social worker
at the Main Library to link users to housing and social services.
Eventually a job-training component was added, providing opportunities
to develop marketable skills for people who had been homeless. Meet and
hear the story of a library outreach worker who helps herself by helping
Part 6 On Common Core – Serving the CCSS and Youth (School Library Journal)
What resources do librarians have in their collections that meet the
goals of the Common Core initiative? How will the Common Core State
Standards influence the decisions school and public librarians will be
making as they continue to develop their collections? What specifically
should educators be looking for in the resources they select? Join
Kathleen Odean, librarian, speaker, reviewer, university instructor, and
the author of guides to children's titles as she discusses the books
that engage children and meet the goals of the CCSS.
May 22
Library Planning: A Customized Program for Success (Nebraska Library Commission)
Planning gives a library greater depth of understanding of the
community it serves, goals to work toward, and a path to follow. Since
libraries and their communities are all unique, every library's plan is
custom designed. Eric Green, Denise Harders, Sharon Osenga, and Sarah
Warneke, Nebraska Regional Library System directors, and Laura Johnson
from the Nebraska Library Commission will discuss the importance of
planning and introduce a new program they will be offering to libraries
to make the vital activity of planning simpler and more immediate.
Broadband Adoption Toolkit (WebJunction)
Increasing access and use of information technologies is essential for
communities and individuals. Libraries, local government,
community-based organizations and businesses are creating a variety of
solutions. Building a digitally inclusive community requires multiple
strategies, collaborations and creativity. Some digital inclusion
strategies are referred to as "broadband adoption" which includes
technology training, broadband awareness, low cost internet service and
low cost home computers. NTIA is expected to release a Broadband
Adoption Toolkit in May 2013. Join us for a conversation with the
creators of the Broadband Adoption Toolkit to discuss what they learned
and how the broadband adoption pieces fit together.
Where's the Power? What's your Point? (Insync Training)
Tired of seeing PowerPoint shows that have neither power nor a point?
This session provides strategies for developing memorable slides with
punch, not just pretty slides peppered with bullets. Join us as we look
at ways to hook our learners, highlight critical information, and create
learning points that will stick.
Spotlight! On National Library of Medicine Resources (National Library of Medicine)
In this month's webinar, Dana Abbey, NN/LM Colorado/Health Information
Literacy Coordinator, will present on multiple language resources.
Taking the one-hour class and completing the exercises and class
evaluation makes you eligible to receive 1 Medical Library Association
Continuing Education credit.
May 24
Tech Tools with Tine: Music Fun (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Please join us for a special series with technology trainer, Christine
Walczyk, all about popular online tools. The series is meant to be short
on talk about library context and higher concepts. It's really all
about the tools themselves! Our aim is to demonstrate how to use one
tool in each webinar in under 60 minutes with time for Q&A built in.
May 29
Digital Literacy: What's it All About? (Montana State Library)
Lauren McMullen and Jo Flick will lead a discussion about the meaning
of Digital Literacy for libraries. Together, participants will explore
the important role libraries play in promoting digitally literate
communities. In the second half of this session, participants will
explore online resources they can access to support their digital
literacy services and training.
Tech Talk with Michael Sauers (Nebraska Library Commission)
In this monthly feature of NCompass Live, the NLC's Technology
Innovation Librarian, Michael Sauers, will discuss the tech news of the
month and share new and exciting tech for your library. There will also
be plenty of time in each episode for you to ask your tech questions.
So, bring your questions with you, or send them in ahead of time, and
Michael will have your answers.