Michigan Archival Association (MAA)
This year, the MAA is happy to announce their fall
workshop, a special program focused on preparing you
for the unexpected, entitled: “Disaster Preparedness and
Response for Archives and Library Collections: Organizing
Your Toolkit.” Julie Page, a national speaker and
trainer for disaster preparedness initiatives and coordinator
for the California Preservation Program, will lead this
workshop on November 15, 2011, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00
p.m. at the Bentley Historical Library on the University of
Michigan campus. Page will share valuable skills to help
attendees assess their vulnerabilities, mitigate their risks,
and respond if the unthinkable happens. The program will
include interactive training and hands-on recovery tactics.
The cost of the workshop is $60.00 (lunch included), and
student rates are available. Visitor parking at the Bentley Historical Library will be available at $10 for the day. For
further information, visit http://miarchivists.wordpress