is pleased to announce the release of the Archiving 2014 Call for
Papers. The deadline for submitting presentation abstracts for
Archiving 2014 to be held May 13-16,
2014 in Berlin, Germany is December 2, 2013. A PDF of the Call for Papers can be found at
Please note carefully the new submission rules and templates that can be found at
The IS&T Archiving Conference brings together a unique community of imaging novices and experts from libraries, archives, records management, and information technology institutions to discuss and explore the expanding field of digital archiving and preservation. Attendees from around the world represent industry, academia, governments, and cultural heritage institutions. The conference presents the latest research results on archiving, provides a forum to explore new strategies and policies, and reports on successful projects that can serve as benchmarks in the field. Archiving 2014 is a blend of invited focal papers, keynote talks, and refereed oral and interactive display presentations. Prospective authors
Proposed program topics include:
Preservation of Digital Assets
- Web harvesting and archiving
- Migration of digital content
- Managing privacy rights for digital information
- Preserving e-Government information
- Innovative projects and activities
- Capacity building, continuing education, and professional development
Technical Processes and Workflow
- Distributed preservation models
- Automated metadata generation during image capture
- Cooperative partnerships for digitization and archiving
- Authenticating digitized government and legal information
- Innovative approaches to digitization, including multispectral scanning
- Applications of crowd sourcing and share economy
Digital Curation
- Cost models for digital archiving and long-term preservation
- Digital forensics and data recovery
- Managing databases and large data sets
- Employing metadata as a curation strategy
- Detection of manipulated image/video content
- Storage media and systems, including cloud storage
Best regards,
Diana Gonzalez
IS&T Conference Program Manager
703/642-9090 x 106