Friday, February 5, 2010

CFP - Book Chapters for Embedded Librarians

Call for Proposals: Book Chapters for Embedded Librarians

Editors of the forthcoming ACRL publications book Embedded Librarians: Moving beyond one-shot instruction, to be published late 2010, seek proposals for chapters from skilled librarians who have researched and/or implemented an embedded librarian program. The book will provide an overview of embedded librarianship within higher education. Chapters are sought about strategies for and experiences of creating a long-term embedded presence in multiple non-library settings, both online and in-person.

Potential topics include:

Defining “embedded librarianship”
History and background of embedded librarianship
Embedding in the first year experience
Embedding within departments
Collaborating across departments to encourage embedded projects
Embedding in online course management systems
Embedding in the enterprise
Assessing the success of embedded projects
Future opportunities in embedded librarianship

Prospective authors should email a brief CV, a writing sample, and a one-page proposal for their chapter to or . Proposals are due by January 30, 2010.

Kaijsa Calkins
English Reference & Instruction Librarian
University of Wyoming Libraries
Coe Library, 304-F
(307) 766-6553 / via nmrt-l